To Play or Not to Play?

To play or not to play, that is the question?

Have you ever wondered what really happens in the office during a play therapy session? Greeted with squeals and delight, children immerse themselves in a safe place where they are free to explore their understanding of the world, relationships and themselves symbolically through their primary language - PLAY! 

Children integrate their understanding of the world through play. In this space we can explore things that we love, things that we miss or things that scare us all the while knowing that we are truly safe. Free of the complexities of family systems, play therapy is a place for your child to learn to recognize their own emotional states, ground themselves and practice relating in healthy ways. 

Play therapy is ideal for children ages 3-12, however, age ranges and appropriateness can vary. Themes that emerge in play become touchpoints for counsellors to identify and support changes in emotions and behaviors.

Sessions are 50 minutes long.  Parents should expect that the benefits are realized at about 15-20 sessions, however some will notice changes in their children’s behavior much sooner. If you are struggling with family management, concerned about your child’s behaviours, emotional expression or socialization contact us today. - Colleen Vantol, Master of Counselling Psychology MA., RCC


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